
Ziedu Fejas offers a wide range of beautiful, fresh bouquets created by our professional florists. The assortment of bouquets is constantly updated depending on the seasons and the latest fashion trends in floristics. If you do not know what exactly you want to order, we offer you the opportunity to order a greeting bouquet on a set budget. All you have to do is choose the color scheme of the bouquet and the desired budget, and our professional team of florists will create a unique bouquet of flowers that will definitely bring joy and happiness to the recipient's heart. All bouquets are made only from high quality fresh seasonal flowers and delivered on time by courier directly to the recipient's door in Riga, Latvia. It is very convenient and fast to place an order on the website, by paying with a card or your Internet bank, or by calling our operator by phone +371 24440002.

 Congratulatory bouquet on a set budget
Trust the florist. The florist will prepare a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers on a set budget in ..
Bouquet - Amore mio
The bouquet consists of 5 gerberas, 5 spray roses, 5 hipericum berries and greens.The bouquet is wra..
Bouquet - Anita
The bouquet consists of 7 spray roses, 3 eustoma, 5 santini chrisantemum and greens.The bouquet is w..
Bouquet - Autumn
A bouquet consisting of 5 roses, 5 hipericum berries, 3 exotic flowers, 3 chrysanthemums, 3 alstroem..
Bouquet - Autumn colors
The bouquet consists of 3 alstromerias, 3 chrisantemum, 2 eustoma, 3 diantus and eucaliptus. The bou..
Bouquet - Baby
The bouquet consists of eustoma, freesias and wax flowers. The bouquet is wrapped in design paper a..
Bouquet - Berry
The bouquet consists of 9 roses, 5 hipericum berries, 3 gipsofila, which are complemented by greener..
Bouquet - Carmen
The bouquet consists of specially arranged 9 roses, 3 lizantus, 3 hipericum, 2 astrancia and 1 eucal..
Bouquet - Charmant
The bouquet consists of 15 roses, 7 alstromerias, 3 eustoma, 3 limonium and eucalyptus.The bouquet i..
Bouquet - Chrisantemums
The bouquet consists of 9 raspberry chrisantemums.The bouquet is wrapped in design paper and tied wi..
Bouquet - Christine
The bouquet consists of 5 alstromerias, 5 roses, 5 tulips, 6 hyacinths, 2 skimia and eucalyptus. The..
Bouquet - Cloud
The bouquet consists of 9 santini chrisantemums, 4 gipsofilia.The bouquet is wrapped in design paper..
Bouquet - Cranberry
The bouquet consists of 9 roses, 2 skimmias and 3 eucalyptus. The bouquet is wrapped in design paper..
Bouquet - Elsa
The bouquet consists of specially arranged 19 tulips, 3 eringium and eucalyptus.  The bouquet i..
Bouquet - Emilia
The bouquet consists of 7 roses, 5 alstromerias, 2 skimia, 2 limonium and greens. The bouquet is tie..
Showing 1 to 15 of 78 (6 Pages)